Thursday, May 29, 2008


Bronzeado Tan Spa Offers Complimentary Skin Analysis to Ultimate Sun Seekers to Promote Summer Sunburn Prevention and Awareness


Do you plan on praying to the sun gods this summer?  When vanity calls, make sure you know your skin type. This expertise may be the difference between a beautiful bronze tan and dangerous sunburn. In the month of June, Bronzeado will offer complimentary skin analysis to promote summer sunburn prevention and awareness. Sessions can be reserved by calling Bronzeado Tan Spa at 416-987-1987 or by email at


Bronzeado joins the chorus of concerned voices recommending sunburn prevention, at the cottage, beach or around the pool. Bronzeado knows that sunburn prevention is a more effective message than sun avoidance, which ultimately encourages abuse.  “We know that vanity is a large sun motivator”, says Stephanie Kluke, Owner of Bronzeado Tan Spa. “It is not our role to stop clients from lying in the sun, but to teach smart tanning practices” Kluke says. “At Bronzeado we follow a comprehensive consultation process that includes skin analysis and sun exposure planning. One of our key practices is to determine a client skin type”, says Kluke. “Your skin type determines personal sensitivity to the sun and ability to tan or burn”. “For example, there are some skin types that always burn easily and never tan. These are the clients we would recommend a sun avoidance strategy, including the use of high SPF lotions, seeking shade and staying out of the sun at peek times between 11am and 3pm”. Kluke also says, “I would also recommend sunless tanning methods like the airbrush tanning we offer at Bronzeado.


The 10 minute skin analysis is conducted by a certified Bronzeado technician and probes hereditary disposition, tan history and habits. An exposure plan is designed to reflect skin type, client goals and skin care needs. For a copy of the Bronzeado Skin Sensitivity Questionnaire and the Sun Reactive Skin Type Chart email


Bronzeado is Canada's first luxury tan spa to apply holistic principles to its tanning, products and operations. High pressure tanning, low pressure tanning, airbrush tanning and esthetics are all offered under one roof, including an exclusive juice bar serving a wide range of fruit & herbal tonics called Elixirs. Bronzeado is quickly becoming the HOT spot for flawless airbrush tanning and has been featured on CFTO news, Flare, Glow, Elevate Magazine, Canadian Beauty and Rogers Toronto Living.


For interviews or more information contact Cameron Thomas, PRONOIC PR, 416-660-9801 or






1 comment:

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